Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (801) 361-5279

  • Certified Hypnotherapist & Life Coach. 5.0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Timpanogos Hypnotherapy

    It is your decisions, and not your conditions, that determine your destiny.  

    (Request Your Free Consultation)

    Hypnotherapy for Anxiety and Phobias in Provo 5.0 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Professional Hypnotherapist Services To Support Your Positive Life Changes

    Are you lost? Frustrated? Facing a difficult situation? Or would you like to be free from any negative behaviors, phobias, relationship issues, etc.  What if you could remove all of that? 

    Then what? 

     You will walk smiling. You will walk with confidence. You will walk with calmness, peace, security, and

    liberation! If you walk in like that how powerful would you be?

    Break free with  hypnotherapy. 

    Hypnotherapy customized thoughtfully to meet your individual needs.  

    If you answer “Yes” to any of these questions, then you’ve made the right choice by been here. 

     Hypnotherapy Stronger than ever helping the mind 

    Anxiety And Depression

    Anxiety And Depression

    Weight Management/ Fat Loss

    Weight Management/ Fat Loss

    The Power And Effectiveness Of Hypnotherapy For Many Disorders (American journal of hypnosis)

    Hypnotherapy for Substance Abuse

    Hypnotherapy for Substance Abuse

    Hypnotherapy for PTSD: Post Traumatic Disorder

    Hypnotherapy for PTSD: Post Traumatic Disorder

    Lets find out what people say!

    What Is Hypnotherapy?

    • Hypnosis is a psychotherapeutic technique intended to improve a quality of life, it is not a parlor trick or an experiment. Hypnosis provides psychological, emotional and many times physical comfort to individuals. Hypnosis is like being so lost in a book or movie that is easy to lose track of what is going on around, and still being aware of what it has been said or done. ( American Psychological Association, Division. American Society of Clinical Hypnosis).

    The Benefits Of Hypnotherapy

    The human mind is incredibly powerful. Hypnotherapy allows you to access, and harness that power to quit behaviors that sabotage your goals and dreams. Hypnotherapy helps you to quit smoking, lose weight, overcome fears, phobias, sexual disfunction, pain, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, fatigue eliminate negative habits, cognitive problems, build confidence and self esteem, enhance performance, and much more. Many well-known successful people have used hypnotherapy to achieve significant fulfilment in their lives. look some examples in the blog

    Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Sessions On-line and In Person

    Can Virtual Hypnotherapy be as effective as in-person sessions? A study published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis found that online hypnosis is widely accepted and effective. Our clients reported similar levels of relaxation and suggestibility compare to in person sessions. We have clients who enjoy the combination is all about get into a hypnotic trance.

    Our clients give referrals for friends and relatives who live far away from our installations, or in remote locations. Some others prefer a more private setting.

    Our experience of 25 years helping hundreds and hundreds of people facilitating their change, whether in habit modification, stress relief, or deep subconscious work. Both in-person or virtual are effective in achieving a desire results.

    Hypnotherapy And Mindfulness Program

     “Combining mindfulness and hypnotherapy in a single session is a novel intervention that may be equal to or better than existing treatments, with the advantage of being more time-effective, less daunting and easier to use,” Gary Elkins, Ph.D., director of the Mind-Body Medicine Research Laboratory at Baylor University.  

    Yoli has created her own and unique program. It is an innovative new mind-body Hypnotherapy protocol,  for stress and anxiety. it typically done in a week. Mindfulness and hypnotherapy have been proven to help people eliminate stressful thoughts, and emotions that have side effects in their bodies. Based on the research of the outcomes applying mindfulness and hypnotherapy our program has high index of success with PTSD, depression anxiety, stress and even chronic pain.

    Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness Program For Everyone

    • Eliminate blocks and stresses. On what is holding you back.
    •  Discover where your behaviors, emotions and perceptions originate.
    • Find out how to unleashed your confidence in any field or path you want to follow.
    • Find out how to believe in yourself and eliminate the past or learn from it and create a new you. 
    • Find out how to live through difficult times
    • Create and automatic and emotional change by creating a more positive new you.

    Cognitive Hypnotherapy

    Hypnotherapy makes the therapies shorter and even more effective. It identifies the problems and deeply-held beliefs more easily. Hypnotherapy helps the release of  intense negative emotions with caution and experience. It challenges and disputes existing perceptions or thoughts of the client, with the least resistance. It identifies and observes automatic and subconscious thought patterns that affects the person’s behavior.  In most cases it creates an automatic change in the behavior and the emotional state far more effortlessly, specially when dealing with traumatic repressed memories.

    For Yoli rapport and trust is the most important part of a session between her and the person looking for help.

    Hypnotherapy For Anxiety, Depression And Weight Loss. Hypnotherapy For PTSD, Relationships, Pain, Quitting Pornography Addiction And Many other Issues. Hypnotherapy Is A phenomena That Bring Changes Into The Mind- Body Relationship.

    • Abandonment  

    • Eating Disorders

    • Alcoholism

    • Alcohol Program  

    • Athlete's Fear (Sports)

    • Athlete's Stress (Sports) 

    • Athlete's Injuries (Sports) 

    • Athlete's Fears (Sports) 

    • Asthma

    •Anxiety ( Relieve) 

    • Control Pain  

    • Childhood and Adult Trauma  

    • Combat Allergies

    • Encouraging Forgiveness of Self or Others

    • Fears and Phobias 

    • Fear of Death  

    • Gambling

    • Hypnotherapy for Children  

    • Headache

    • Insomnia

    • Fears of Success or Failure  




    • Self Discipline

    • Social Anxiety

    •Sports Performance  

    • Stress Reduction


    •Increasing Self Esteem

    •Increasing Confidence

    •Increasing Self Control 

    • Injured Athletes 

    •Improving Self Image

    • Improving Study Habits 

     • Improving Problem Solving 

    •  High Blood Pressure

    • Panic Attacks

    • Problems with Breathing

    * Pornography: Habit and addiction

    • Reducing Self-Criticism

    • Reducing Self-Defeating Behaviors

    • Reducing Test Anxiety  

    • Skin Conditions

    OCD (Regression)

    Athletes' Stress

    Athletes Fears

    Athletes Improve Technique 

    • Time Management

    • Drivers Test

    • Self Hypnosis

    • Memory Recall

    • Travel Nerves

    High Function Autism 

    Hay Fever


    Memory recall ( Regression) 


    •Reducing Chronic Pain

    •Substance Abuse


    •Addressing Emotional and Sexual Blocks

    •Obsessive Behaviors 

    •Anger Management

    •Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    •Victim Recovery


    Cancer (Reduce pain and side effect of


    Call for more information, with a free of charge consultation. Hypnotherapy is a therapy that uses hypnosis to help treat and manage psychological and health issues. Yoli has helped hundreds of people for many years in all issues. People look for her help as a first or last resource. • *Some issues may require a medical or psychological referral.

    About Yoli Simons

    Yoli Simons is a Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Certified Consulting Hypnotist with the National Guild of Hypnotists. She is also certified with the OMNI Hypnosis Center Training Organization, as well as associated with the International Board of Hypnosis. She is also a Certified Instructor. 
    Yoli has been trained in other mind body strategies including: Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Interactive Guided Imagery, and Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). Yoli is among the pioneers in Martial Arts Occupational Therapy for those with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), Autism, Cerebral Palsy, ADD/ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Master in Martial Arts Tai Chi, Conscious Breathing Certifications. 
    Hypnotherapy along  with Cognitive Behavior therapy have shown to be more effective tool to bring about profound and lasting changes.  She carries an intensive twenty seven years of experience working with children and adults at the public and private practice. 
    The academic years of psychology working with and non special needs children and adults gave Yoli the ability to help  more effectively. But also years easing people from different addictions and behaviors that affected their daily lives has giving her great experience and satisfaction.
      The relief of the subconscious mind from many negative emotions that can likewise affect the physical body, then by applying hypnotherapy we can expect faster feelings of hope to start living now, rather than later, because of the sustained focus concentration people can process deeper in a different manner than in an alert state.
    Yoli is ready to help you;

    [email protected]




    Instagram @timp_hypnotherapy

    Linkedin Yoli Simons



    The Best Reward Is To Guide Others To Heal Themselves

    Strengthen your Immune system Through your Mind. Negative emotions has been shown to be linked to major changes in cellular immunity. Evidence from studies suggests that mental states can influence our physical and mental body.  Hypnotherapy aims to the Nervous System. Hypnotherapy  is extremally effective alleviating, and eliminating many ailments in the emotional, and even in the  physical body. We have been helping people for many years along with experience, and knowledge which it’s been an staple for our success. 

     Studies and research show that emotional moods connect with the physiology of the nervous system. These studies and research expressed that broad patterns of gene expression in cells happened according to the emotions of the mind. Steve Cole a Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences in the UCLA School of Medicine with his colleagues had published a series of studies advocating that negative mental states such as anxiety, depression, loneliness, and other mental ailments can alter the genes in the cells. 

    The results can be wide variety of physical diseases, which  can turn into chronic illnesses. (Marchant Jo, Immunology: The Pursuit of Happiness>News Feature. 2006, 2021  UCLA School of Medicine and Biobehavioral Sciences

     All the following organizations have done studies that support and endorse hypnosis in a therapeutic manner. The Mayo Clinic, John Hopkins Institute, National institute of health, The Canadian Psychiatric and Psychological Association, British Medical Association, Harvard University, And many more. Concluding that hypnotherapy is one positive-effective way to change the life of those who are experiencing unhealthy emotions.

    Take the first Step: Hypnotherapy virtual or in Person. Free of charge  consultations will be either over the phone, zoom, or in person.

    Let's connect online and get started!