Hypnotherapy for Children, Adolescents and Teens
Hypnotherapy can enhance many aspects of his or her mental abilities like accomplishments in school, academics, art, music, control of their emotions, and even spirituality.
Some children go through physical or mental illness. Hypnotherapy can help them to cope reducing a discomfort and pain. Hypnotherapy teach them how to shift their minds in a relaxing state with imagination.
Hypnotherapy for children and adolescents can be fun, and creative. And because is done in a relaxing environment all the stressors of life are put aside, they can receive the suggestions easier and without pressure.
Hypnotherapy for children is a place where they go in their imagination create stories, and create solutions coming back with a changed perspective that might give them a plethora of ideas, and options how to live a better life.
Just a few stories here.
A 13 year- old boy was frightened to go a new school. He came for three sessions of hypnotherapy, but in the second session he was ready and excited to begin first day at school. During hypnosis he learned the process of empowerment.
A 15-year-old boy had severe acne. She knew what caused the the skin problems, but she couldn’t help herself stop eating certain foods. She become so stress and stop going to school. Fourth session she stop eating those foods without cravings.
A 17 year-old love sports but for some reason one day was afraid to be hit, he was afraid to even try again. Hypnotherapy help him to regain confidence in himself to joined the soccer team.
A 12-year-old found she wanted to be different, but she didn’t have answers of why. One day she didn’t want to go school or talk to friends. Hypnotherapy help her to figure it out the answer and why.
During hypnotherapy children and adults learned strategies, and is in this state where the Subconscious Mind make the desire positive changes.
All of us have a purpose, and an answer that we can find with guidance. Hypnotherapy help children to regain, or get confidence, and unlock their potential, despite their environment and the situation they are in.
Hypnotherapy can be the last resource.