Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (801) 361-5279

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    When Will Hypnosis Be Beneficial?

    We believe that hypnosis will be optimally effective when the patient is highly motivated to overcome a problem and when the hypnotherapist is well trained in hypnosis and in general considerations 90% o population can be benefited.

    How safe is Hypnotherapy?

    Hypnosis is safe it is not mind control or brainwashing. The therapist cannot make a person do something that the person does not want to do. It can improve the success of other treatments for many conditions.

    Is Weight-Loss Hypnotherapy Effective?

    Hypnotherapy is one the deepest states of relaxation and concentration is when you are totally relaxed you are more responsive to suggestions, including behavior changes that can help you to lose weight, remove fears phobias and any issue you have a problem with.( It is found that regardless the results the patients have lower rates of inflammation, better satiety and better quality of life and copping skills for any issue have improve.)

    Can Hypnotherapy Improve my Memory?

    As a matter of fact, Yes! People are spending large amounts of money on programs and every gear and gadgets to help improve their memory. However, hypnosis can help you think faster, boost your memory, and stretch out your attention span for a fraction of the cost!

    Hypnotherapy online?

    Due to COVID-19 we do accommodate online sessions for those who wish to practice social distancing or simply wanted to have therapy from the comfort of their on place.

    Many organizations and associations have done studies such as The University of Manchester in London has showing that online sessions are another possibility as person to person sessions. So you can benefit of hypnotherapy, but through the comfort and safety of your own home.

    To arrange an online Zoom session, email me at [email protected] with a brief description of your need. Please include your phone number and I will call you within the next day during business hours. Phone time will not be charged, however I do limit phone conversations to 10 minutes.

    Once we schedule a time for your session, I will send you an invitation to join a Zoom session an you will click on the link to connect. Once connected we will be able to see each other face to face via laptop, tablet, desktop, or mobile phone. *You do not need to be a Zoom subscriber*

    How many sessions will I need?

    Each hypnotherapy session is uniquely tailored to each individual needs. Some may require multiple sessions, while others just one. Sessions may occur weekly, monthly, or bimonthly. However, it is generally expected to have at least three sessions. What I suggest is that you send me an email at [email protected] outlining what your needs are and I will promptly respond back with a plan that would work best for you. You can also make a free 10 minute phone call at (801) 361 5279 or [email protected] for questions and answers.

    Does Yoli consult with other health care providers?

    Yoli may consult with a variety of health care professionals to work as a team to enhance the care of the person. All information is shared and treated with the utmost strict professionalism and confidentiality. Is the most important credential to be trust by all my clients.

    Will my insurance cover services?

    Yoli may consult with a variety of health care professionals to work as a team to enhance the care of the person. All information is shared and treated with the utmost strict professionalism and confidentiality.